dang, all this snow is really messing everything up. classes are cancelled today, but i've still got things to do, or shall i say an entire poem to read by tomorrow, the Rape of the Lock.
Yesterday, my Seminar 2nd yr English teacher told us, as an introduction to the text, that the Rape of the Lock was about two straight up moral Catholic families that have children the same age. They may be teenagers, I'm not sure. A girl, and a boy. My teacher said, "rape is the force of anything" and a lock is "a piece of hair", so he raped her hair. He used force/threat (whattttuppp sociology's crime chapter) to remove a lock of this gals hair. But apparently it's a parodic poem, or at least the revision in 1714, 2 years later than the first 1712 edition.
I'm looking forward to seeing how the play unfolds, --I'll be reading it allllllll ddddaaaaaaaayyyyyy
kittens inspired by kittens
bid thee farewell, time to read about raping hair
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