free rides, conservation, the Dodos.
duz it get much bettur?
scream into a pillow.
doesn't that seem ever tempting in the midst of january?
on that note, it's the first day of february. i bid farewell to the circadecade of my teenage years.
yesterday, baby and i walked around our dear city, philadelphia. or killadelphia. the best kind of days.
we encountered numerous hipsters/middle aged supervisors/GRANDparents entering & exiting urbanoutfitters;
we saw bicycles;
and sat on pretty benches.
fellow musician friends played soothing sounds
shoutoutz 2 my dawg (#1 follower)
luv dem em0 pix w/ the dawg -does this look violent?
oh and for all them gurlzz w/ a d0nk!
American Apparel is holding their first ever 'Best Bottom' contest. Not entering myself, but it seems pretty....mainstream of them.--when they pride themselves on alternative natures.
nevertheless, tis eye candy.
My favorite fact is that both MEN & WOMEN can enter. No discrimination AmAppy, i like dat.

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